Meta Horizon Store policies
Updated: Sep 11, 2024
Comfort is very important to us. Comfort is a subjective, variable, and individual experience. However, we want to communicate to users as best we can about what they can generally expect from a VR app. To do so, we employ three comfort ratings: Comfortable, Moderate, and Intense. You can get a sense for how these are applied by looking through the Meta Horizon Store catalog.
- “Comfortable” experiences generally avoid camera movement, player motion, or disorienting content and effects. Generally, apps that have fixed camera position will be classified this way.
- “Moderate” experiences, on the other hand, might have more camera and player motion.
- “Intense” experiences usually incorporate first person camera motion, acceleration, or significant camera movement and player motion.
In general, pay a lot of attention to comfort in the user’s VR experience. Investing in comfort is worth it. Even “Moderate” and “Intense” apps should strive to be as comfortable as possible.
Pre-Launch Listings must comply with all policies for
Store Marketing Materials. Pre-order listings can be created up to 90 days before launch, with an option to enable discounted sale pricing once during the pre-order period. Coming Soon listings can be created up to 180 days before launch, except as expressly authorized by Meta Platforms Technologies to you in writing.
Once your pre-launch listing has been created, you must not change your release date within 2 weeks of your originally communicated release date. Any changes to your release date within 2 weeks of your originally published release date may result in your listing being excluded from any featured pages in the Meta Horizon Store. All users with pre-orders will be notified by Meta if your app is changing within 2 weeks of the current date or delayed for greater than 90 days.
If at 2 days prior to your intended app release date, you do not have a Meta-approved full release with a scheduled date, order fulfillment for your pre-orders will be paused until a new launch date is provided.
If your project is canceled, all user pre-orders will be canceled and to the extent necessary, refunds processed as set out in the
Meta Quest Content Refund Policy.
Collections of unique, high-quality 360 videos are welcome, especially if they’re interactive. If your app is primarily video, consider integrating spatialized audio. We generally do not accept apps that only present a small number of 2D videos, nor apps that are a wrapper for a single 360 video.
For single 360 videos, consider publishing to Meta Platforms Technologies Video. Meta Platforms Technologies Video features high quality content that demonstrates the immersion of VR in engaging short 360 videos. Visit the
Meta Platforms Technologies Creators Portal for more details on how to publish to Meta Platforms Technologies Video.
All apps must be rated by the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC). All apps that will be released in South Korea must also be rated by the Game Rating and Administrator Committee (GRAC). You can obtain ratings directly through the Developer Dashboard, in the Submission Info > Content Ratings section.
IARC and its member rating authorities provide ratings designed to inform consumers and reflect cultural differences around the world. Once the ratings process is completed, the IARC provides age ratings that help users make age-appropriate choices. During the submission process, you will be redirected from the developer dashboard to the IARC website to complete a questionnaire about the content in your app. There is no fee to you to request a rating, and results are provided instantaneously. By requesting an IARC rating, you understand and accept that Meta Platforms Technologies will disclose your app name, organization name, and contact email to IARC for purposes of obtaining a rating.
Meta Platforms Technologies is an authorized GRAC self-rating authority, which means games that receive an IARC certificate through Meta Platforms Technologies also receive a GRAC rating automatically.
Store marketing materials
Our policies are meant to permit marketing of your apps and content effectively and truthfully, while reducing the amount of controversial marketing material seen by our users. Following the content requirements below should help you avoid offensive or misleading content in your marketing materials. We also have specific requirements regarding composition, such as minimum font sizes and bleed areas. Learn about the composition guidelines in the
Meta Horizon Store Asset Guidelines.
Not all marketing assets are the same: some are seen more widely and some are only viewable after a user clicks to find out more about your product. Accordingly, we treat key art and cover images more strictly than trailers and screenshots. The context is also important — we may decide to permit controversial imagery in key art, cover images, screenshots, and trailers if used in an appropriate context (e.g., for news-based and education-based purposes).
- Gore: Although representations of blood are allowed, representations of innards, limbs, dismemberment, etc., are not.
- Realistic and direct violence: Weapons connecting with any victim (e.g., bullets, knives, fists making contact, etc.). Cartoon or clearly fanciful violence, however, may be OK.
- Violent subjugation or objectification: Fear is OK, but depictions of victims being victimized is not.
- Guns pointed directly at the viewer.
- Nudity and Sex:
- Genitalia, bare breasts, or bare buttocks.
- Depictions of sexual acts (even without nudity).
- Depictions of sexual subjugation, brutality, or menace.
- Overtly provocative or blatantly titillating images.
- Other Banned Imagery:
- Drug usage.
- Racist or hateful imagery (such as swastikas, Pepe the Frog, or any other offensive images regardless of whether they are offensive at the time of submission, or later became offensive).
SCREENSHOTS AND TRAILERS MUST NOT CONTAIN: Screenshots and trailers may contain content that is prohibited in key art and cover images, but only in the appropriate context and only to a reasonable degree, to the extent required to inform the user about the app or content. Use appropriate judgment. For instance, the following would not be allowed, even in screenshots and trailers:
- A compilation roll of “best headshots”.
- Content focusing only on aspects of the app that show scantily clad women.