No Input Error. These errors occur when the system expects a response and doesn’t receive one. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as if the user doesn’t speak loudly enough for the microphone or when they don’t say anything while the microphone is active. The user might be thinking about their answer, unsure about how to respond, distracted, or paused for some other reason. For example:
System (statement): “You got it, Player 1! Where should we go?”
System (hears): “...”
System (responds): “Player 1, which direction shall we go?”
System (hears): ”Oh, let’s take troops south to D1”
System (responds): “Got it, south to D1. On our way!”
Error response: Rephrasing the question with additional detail is usually the best option with this error. As with the No Match error, it’s important not to repeat the question verbatim, so as not to sound robotic.