Unlock the achievement with the given name. This can be of any achievement type: a simple unlock, count-based, or bitfield-based achievement. The Meta Quest Platform supports three types of achievements: simple, count and bitfield. Each achievement type has a different unlock mechanism. Simple achievements are all-or-nothing. They are unlocked by a single event or objective completion. For example, a simple achievement is unlocked when Frodo reaches Mount Doom. Count achievements are unlocked when a counter reaches a defined target. Define the
com.meta.horizon.platform.ovr.models.AchievementDefinition#getTarget() to reach that triggers the achievement. For example, a target achievement is unlocked when Darth Vader chokes 3 disappointing Imperial officers. Bitfield achievements are unlocked when a target number of bits in a bitfield are set. Define the
com.meta.horizon.platform.ovr.models.AchievementDefinition#getTarget() and
com.meta.horizon.platform.ovr.models.AchievementDefinition#getBitfieldLength() that triggers the achievement. For example, a bitfield achievement is unlocked when Harry destroys 5 of the 7 Horcruxes.