The description of the challenge is a detailed and informative text that provides a comprehensive overview of the challenge's objectives, rules, and requirements, which can be retrieved with com.meta.horizon.platform.ovr.models.Challenge#getDescription().
This option indicates whether to include challenges that are currently active in the search results. By default, this is set to true, meaning that only active challenges will be returned.
void setIncludeFutureChallenges
( boolean value )
This option indicates whether to include challenges that have not yet started in the search results. By default, this is set to false, meaning that only active will be returned.
void setIncludePastChallenges
( boolean value )
This option indicates whether to include challenges that have already ended in the search results. By default, this is set to false, meaning that only active will be returned.
void setLeaderboardName
( String value )
Optional: Only find challenges belonging to this leaderboard. This filter allows you to narrow down the search results to only include challenges that are associated with a specific leaderboard.