The requested configuration of the tracking service.
This property represents the requested tracker configuration (which types of trackables to track). It is possible that some configuration settings may not be satisfied (for example, due to lack of device support). MRUK.TrackerConfiguration represents the true state of the system.
Invoked when a newly detected trackable has been localized.
When a new OVRAnchor has been detected and localized, a new GameObject with a MRUKTrackable is created to represent it. Its transform is set, and then this event is invoked.Subscribe to this event to add additional child GameObjects or further customize the behavior.This example shows how to create a MonoBehaviour that instantiates a custom prefab:
Invoked when an existing trackable is no longer detected by the runtime.
When an anchor is removed, no action is taken by default. The MRUKTrackable, if any, is not destroyed or deactivated. Subscribe to this event to change this behavior.Once this event has been invoked, the MRUKTrackable's anchor (MRUKTrackable.Anchor) is no longer valid.