Device | Load scene data from the device. |
Prefab | Load scene data from prefabs. |
DeviceWithPrefabFallback | First try to load data from the device and if none can be found fall back to loading from a prefab. |
Json | Load Scene from a Json file. |
DeviceWithJsonFallback | First try to load data from the device and if none can be found fall back to loading from a Json file. |
None |
CurrentRoomOnly |
AllRooms |
Success | Scene data loaded successfully. |
NoScenePermission | User did not grant scene permissions. |
NoRoomsFound | No rooms were found (e.g. |
FailureDataIsInvalid | Invalid data. |
FailureInsufficientResources | Resource limitation prevented this operation from executing. |
FailureInsufficientView | Insufficient view. |
FailurePermissionInsufficient | Insufficient permission. |
FailureRateLimited | Operation canceled due to rate limiting. |
FailureTooDark | Too dark. |
FailureTooBright | Too bright. |
FACING_UP | = 1 << 0 |
FACING_DOWN | = 1 << 1 |
VERTICAL | = 1 << 2 |