Setting up your app for submission
Updated: Sep 19, 2024
There are several essential steps to set up your app to submit it for review. This page discusses the following:
Your App ID is a unique identifier within the Developer Dashboard that’s specific to your app. It assures that your builds and release channels are associated with your app and is essential to your build.
Create a separate App ID per each targeted hardware platform for your app. Not having an App ID enabled with the engine you’re using can cause a number of issues, especially if you’re using platform services. Some of these issues include:
- The dashboard causing a submission failure because it thinks you have not properly implemented an entitlement check.
- Test audiences can’t view your app when trying to use release channels. When they try, they will get a notice that the release channel is not compatible.
- Many platform features such as group launch and deep links won’t function as intended.
An App ID is automatically generated for you simply by creating a unique app with the Developer Dashboard. However, this doesn’t automatically associate the App ID with your project. You must install the Meta Platform SDK and configure it within the engine you’ve chosen. It’s strongly recommended that you do this as soon as the App ID is generated.
For more information about setting up the Meta Platform SDK and configuring it within your engine, see the following guides:
Prior to starting development, set your target platform in the engine you’re using for development. This will help ensure that your workflow is targeting the correct headset.
Various platforms have different requirements (such as for performance), and you need to ensure your development efforts are aimed at the proper ones.
For more information on configuring your platform, see one of the following:
Sign your app properly: keystore
When developing for the Meta Quest, a keystore is essential to the submission and publishing process. The keystore is a file generated within your game engine that acts as a sort of ID badge. It authenticates who you are and that you have the rights to publish your app.
It is important that you keep your keystore in a safe and secure location. If you lose it, you will not be able to update or publish your app. The only way to generate a new keystore is for you to delete every version of your build, which would leave all users unable to use your app.
Implement the entitlement check
The entitlement check is an essential part of your app, and as such, verifying it is an important step in the process of app submission and publishing. As a result, it’s also a commonly failed VRC. This check ensures your app was purchased by the user, and that they have the right to launch your app. This ultimately acts as a form of protection from content piracy.
As a developer within your organization, you automatically have the entitlement and are free to test the entitlement check.
For information on implementing the entitlement check in each engine, as well as how to check your entitlement, see the following: