Term | Definition |
Anechoic | Producing no echoes; having very low or no reverberation. |
Ambisonic | A 360-degree sound format that is independent of speakers. Meta Quest uses AmbiX B-format ambisonics with four channels ordered WYZX. |
Attenuation | A loss of energy; in acoustics, typically a reduction in volume. |
Direct sound | Sound that travels directly to the listener without reflecting (versus reverberant sound). |
Early reflections | Reflected sounds that arrive relatively soon at a listener’s location (i.e., before Late Reflections). |
Head-Related Impulse Response (HRIR) | A formal characterization of the effect of sound interacting with the geometry of a particular human body. Used to create head-related transfer functions. |
Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) | A transformation of an acoustic signal using a head-related impulse response. Used to simulate the effects of interaction of a sound originating from a specific direction with the geometry of a particular human body. |
Head shadowing | The attenuation of sound caused by the head lying between an ear and the sound source. |
Initial Time Delay | The interval between the arrival of a direct sound and its first reflection. |
Interaural Level Difference (ILD) | The difference in a sound’s level or volume between the two ears. |
Interaural Time Difference (ITD) | The length of the interval between when a sound arrives at the first ear and when it arrives at the second ear. |
Late reflections | Reflected sounds that arrive relatively late at a listener’s location (i.e., after early reflections). |
Motion parallax | When moving objects are farther from a perceiver than other objects, their apparent speed of travel appears to decrease. For example, a moving airplane on the horizon appears to be traveling more slowly than a nearby car. The apparent rate of travel of an object can therefore be used as a distance cue. |
Pinnae | The visible portion of the ear that lies outside the head. |
Reverberant sound | Sound that has reflected or reverberated before arriving at a listener’s location (versus direct sound). |
Reverberation | The reflection of sound off a surface, or the temporary persistence of sound in a space caused by reverberation. |
Sound localization | 1. The process of determining the location of a sound’s origin; or 2. the suggestion of an object’s location based on the manipulation of auditory cues. |
Sound spatialization | The representation of a sound within three-dimensional space. |