See below for the latest developer release notes. If you have questions and/or feedback on any of these updates, feel free to comment below or post on the
Developer Forum.
Please note: the versioning structure has been updated to assure consistency across Oculus releases. Version 12.0 of several Oculus SDKs follow version 1.43.
New Features
Integration Changes
Updated the Oculus Unity Integration to v12.0, including:
Sample Changes
Integration Changes
Updated OVRPlugin to version 1.44.0
Known Issues
When a user attempts a deep link to an app on a Rift device, and the user does not own the app, the deep link call returns an error that you must handle in your code.
Versioning methodology has been updated to bring consistency to Oculus SDK releases. This release (12.0) follows Mobile SDK 1.28. New Mobile SDK features include:
API Changes
A new hand tracking API has been added.
A new ovrProperty, VRAPI_DYNAMIC_FOVEATION_ENABLED, has been provided which allows the application to specify whether dynamic foveation should be enabled.
A new event polling mechanism, vrapi_PollEvent, has been added to the API.
New ovrSystemProperty values VRAPI_SYS_PROP_HAS_ORIENTATION_TRACKING and VRAPI_SYS_PROP_HAS_POSITION_TRACKING have been added for querying device tracking capabilities.
OVRAudio API for Native C/C++ 12.0An interface to let developers add HRTF-based spatialization and room modeling to applications. For more information, see the
Audio SDK Developer Guide. New features include:
Be sure to keep an eye out for upcoming blog posts expanding on a number of these updates, while
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