Creator governance responsibilities for members-only worlds in Meta Horizon worlds
Members-only worlds are membership-based communities where like-minded people can come together and enjoy a shared experience. In order to join a members-only world, you must be sent an invite by a member of the world, or you must request to join a world and have your request approved by a creator or admin.
Creators are primarily responsible for governing their members-only world, as are people who have accepted an invitation to become an admin.
As such, you should take steps to ensure members abide by the rules set for that world,
Meta’s Code of Conduct for Virtual Experiences (CCVE), and the
Meta Horizon worlds Mature and Prohibited Worlds Policy. For example, if you observe someone being harassed or mistreated, it is important to take action. This may involve using the tools you have at a creator and admins’ disposal, such as temporarily muting or removing the member from your world. Creators can set preventative measures, such as having clear rules and assigning admins to help monitor the world. By taking these steps, you can create a safer and more welcoming environment for all members.
Additionally, to help maintain a safe and fun environment for all members,
reports help you remain updated on the conduct of members, as well as address issues quickly and effectively. Reports allow you to review user reported incidents within your world and take enforcement actions related to CCVE and world specific rule violations.