P_GAIN | Overall gain applied to this audio source's direct sound, early reflections and late reverberation. [0, +20dB] Default = 0dB. |
P_USEINVSQR | [UNUSED] Enable/disable inverse-law distance attenuation. Default: false |
P_NEAR | [UNUSED) Attenuation distance minimum, in meters. [0, 10000] Default: 1m |
P_FAR | [UNUSED] Attenuation distance maximum, in meters. [0, 10000] Default: 400 |
P_RADIUS | Controls the volumetric radius of the sound source. [0, +Inf) Default: 0. |
P_DISABLE_RFL | Enable/disable acoustics for this audio source only. Default: false. |
P_AMBISTAT | [READONLY] Ambisonic stream status. |
P_READONLY_GLOBAL_RFL_ENABLED | [READONLY] Parameter to query whether the global reflections are enabled. |
P_READONLY_NUM_VOICES | [READONLY] Parameter to query for the total number of voices that are active in the engine. |
P_HRTF_INTENSITY | HRTF intensity. [0, 1] Default: 1.0. |
P_REFLECTIONS_SEND | Gain applied to the early reflections send. [-60.0dB, 20.0dB] Default: 0dB. |
P_REVERB_SEND | Gain applied to the late reverberation send. [-60.0dB, 20.0dB] Default: 0dB. |
P_DIRECTIVITY_ENABLED | Enables/disabled directivty for this audio source only. Default: false. |
P_DIRECTIVITY_INTENSITY | Directivity intensity [0.0, 1.0] Default: 1.0. |
P_AMBI_DIRECT_ENABLED | [Internal] Force the direct sound of an object to be rendered via an ambisonic HRTF. Default: false |
P_REVERB_REACH | Control the "reverb reach" of a sound source. [0.0, 1.0f] Default: 0.5. |
P_DIRECT_ENABLED | Enable/disable the direct sound and early reflections. Default: true. |
P_OCCLUSION_INTENSITY | Adjust how much occlusion to apply with 1 being complete occlusion and 0 being no occlusion [0, 1], Default = 1.0f. |
P_NUM | Utility to easily query how many parameters the plugin has. |