The size of this structure. You must set this equal to sizeof(ovrAudioMeshSimplification) This will ensure version compatibility.
float unitScale[Get]
The mesh flags that describe how the mesh should be rendered.
float maxError[Get]
The local unit scale factor for the mesh (the factor that converts from mesh-local coordinates to coordinates in meters). The other length quantities in this struct are converted to mesh-local coordinates using this value.
float minDiffractionEdgeAngle[Get]
The maximum allowed error due to simplification, expressed as a distance in meters.
float minDiffractionEdgeLength[Get]
The minimum angle (degrees) that there must be between two adjacent face normals for their edge to be marked as diffracting.
float flagLength[Get]
The minimum length in meters that an edge should have for it to be marked as diffracting.
UIntPtr threadCount[Get]
The maximum distance in meters that a diffraction flag extends out from the edge.