bool | EnableSpatialization[Get] Enable/disable HRTF Spatialization. Default = true. |
float | GainBoostDb[Get] Gain the AudioSource's signal by an optional amount. [0dB, 20dB], Default = 0dB. |
bool | EnableAcoustics[Get] Enable/disable room acoustics simulation for this AudioSource. Default = true. |
float | ReverbSendDb[Get] Additional gain to apply to the signal before sending it to the reverb bus. [-60.0dB, 20.0dB] Default = 0dB. |
void | UpdateParameters ( ) Sync all the member variables of this class with the spatializer plug-in instance associated with this sound source. |
P_GAIN | Overall gain applied to this audio source's direct sound, early reflections and late reverberation. [0, +20dB] Default = 0dB. |
P_USEINVSQR | [UNUSED] Enable/disable inverse-law distance attenuation. Default: false |
P_NEAR | [UNUSED) Attenuation distance minimum, in meters. [0, 10000] Default: 1m |
P_FAR | [UNUSED] Attenuation distance maximum, in meters. [0, 10000] Default: 400 |
P_RADIUS | Controls the volumetric radius of the sound source. [0, +Inf) Default: 0. |
P_DISABLE_RFL | Enable/disable acoustics for this audio source only. Default: false. |
P_AMBISTAT | [READONLY] Ambisonic stream status. |
P_READONLY_GLOBAL_RFL_ENABLED | [READONLY] Parameter to query whether the global reflections are enabled. |
P_READONLY_NUM_VOICES | [READONLY] Parameter to query for the total number of voices that are active in the engine. |
P_HRTF_INTENSITY | HRTF intensity. [0, 1] Default: 1.0. |
P_REFLECTIONS_SEND | Gain applied to the early reflections send. [-60.0dB, 20.0dB] Default: 0dB. |
P_REVERB_SEND | Gain applied to the late reverberation send. [-60.0dB, 20.0dB] Default: 0dB. |
P_DIRECTIVITY_ENABLED | Enables/disabled directivty for this audio source only. Default: false. |
P_DIRECTIVITY_INTENSITY | Directivity intensity [0.0, 1.0] Default: 1.0. |
P_AMBI_DIRECT_ENABLED | [Internal] Force the direct sound of an object to be rendered via an ambisonic HRTF. Default: false |
P_REVERB_REACH | Control the "reverb reach" of a sound source. [0.0, 1.0f] Default: 0.5. |
P_DIRECT_ENABLED | Enable/disable the direct sound and early reflections. Default: true. |
P_OCCLUSION_INTENSITY | Adjust how much occlusion to apply with 1 being complete occlusion and 0 being no occlusion [0, 1], Default = 1.0f. |
P_NUM | Utility to easily query how many parameters the plugin has. |
bool MetaXRAudioSource.EnableSpatialization |
Enable/disable HRTF Spatialization. Default = true. If false, audio will not be spatialized (i.e. it won't pass through HRTF convolution or be sent to the reverb bus or have early reflections). This effectively is an override for the "Spatialize" parameter of Unity's built-in AudioSource component. |
float MetaXRAudioSource.GainBoostDb |
Gain the AudioSource's signal by an optional amount. [0dB, 20dB], Default = 0dB. The gain will be applied to the direct sound of only this audio source, and (if enabled and again, only for this audio source) its sends to the early reflections and late reverberation busses. See Also: ReverbSendDb to control only the late reverberation send amount. See Also: MetaXRAudioSourceExperimentalFeatures::EarlyReflectionsSendDb to control the early reflections send amount. |
bool MetaXRAudioSource.EnableAcoustics |
Enable/disable room acoustics simulation for this AudioSource. Default = true. If enabled, this audio source will have room acoustics simulated for it, including early reflections and reverberation in addition to rendering it's direct sound. If disabled, only the direct sound will be rendered. |
float MetaXRAudioSource.ReverbSendDb |
Additional gain to apply to the signal before sending it to the reverb bus. [-60.0dB, 20.0dB] Default = 0dB. This gain will be applie only before sending the signal to the reverb bus. The early reflections and direct sound are not affected by this gain. See Also: GainBoostDb to control the gain of all aspects of an audio source (direct sound, early reflections, and late reverberation) See Also: MetaXRAudioSourceExperimentalFeatures::EarlyReflectionsSendDb to control the early reflections send amount. |
void MetaXRAudioSource.UpdateParameters ( ) |
Sync all the member variables of this class with the spatializer plug-in instance associated with this sound source. This function should be called during every call to Update and there should be no need to call this explicitly unless you want to force sync the spatializer instance's parameters with this component. |