const string | binaryName[Get] Name of the binary this interface wraps. |
IntPtr | context[Get] |
int | ovrAudio_GetPluginContext ( out IntPtr context ) Get the handle to the current context, creating one if necessary. |
int | SetAdvancedBoxRoomParameters ( float width, float height, float depth, bool lockToListenerPosition, Vector3 position, float [] wallMaterials ) Set global shoebox room reverberation parameters. |
int | SetRoomClutterFactor ( float [] clutterFactor ) Sets the clutter factor for the global room simulation. |
int | SetSharedReverbWetLevel ( float linearLevel ) Set the level of the global reverb. |
int | Enable/disable options in the audio context. |
int | |
int | SetDynamicRoomRaysPerSecond ( int RaysPerSecond ) Set the number of dynamic rays cast per second. |
int | SetDynamicRoomInterpSpeed ( float InterpSpeed ) Set the interpolation speed of the dynamic room model. |
int | SetDynamicRoomMaxWallDistance ( float MaxWallDistance ) Set the maximum distance a cast ray can travel in a dynamic simulation. |
int | SetDynamicRoomRaysRayCacheSize ( int RayCacheSize ) Set the size of the cache that holds the history of cast rays. |
int | Get the current dimensions, reflection coefficients and position of the shoebox room. |
int | Retrieves the cache of ray cast hits that are being used to estimate the room. |
const string MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.binaryName |
Name of the binary this interface wraps. This value can be used in [DllImport(binaryName)] decorators and tells Unity what the binary name is for the FMOD plug-in. |
IntPtr MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.context |
No description available.
static int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.ovrAudio_GetPluginContext ( out IntPtr context ) |
Get the handle to the current context, creating one if necessary. Note that Unity's editor, player, and standalone builds will have different contexts. Parameters context The returned handle to the context. Returns Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. |
int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.SetAdvancedBoxRoomParameters ( float width, float height, float depth, bool lockToListenerPosition, Vector3 position, float [] wallMaterials ) |
Set global shoebox room reverberation parameters. These parameters are used for reverberation/early reflections if SIMPLE_ROOM_MODELING is enabled. If SIMPLE_ROOM_MODELING is disabled, these values can still be specified and will be cached. Upon enabling room modelling, the cached values will be applied. Note, it's easiest to the MetaXRAudioRoomAcousticProperties MonoBehavior instead of calling this function directly. Parameters widthheightdepth Dimensions of shoebox room in meters. Should be > 0. lockToListenerPositionIf true, room is centered on listener. If false, room center is specified by RoomPosition coordinates positionDesired position of room's origin which is in the center of the room. Ignored if lockToListenerPosition is true. wallMaterialsReflection coefficients (in the range of [0.0, 1.0f]) for room materials for each wall. It is a packed array the refletion coefficients for the right, left, ceiling, floor, front and back walls in that order, each wall having 4 frequency-dependent reflection coefficients in order of increasing frequency. Returns ovrResult indicating success (0) or failure (1) See Also: |
int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.SetRoomClutterFactor ( float [] clutterFactor ) |
Sets the clutter factor for the global room simulation. This parameter is meant to simulate effect furniture and other objects have on reverberation. Higher values simulate more furniture and other objects in the room and reduce the T60 of the reverberator (moreso in the higher frequencies than the low). Lower values simulate an emptier room. Parameters clutterFactor An array of clutter values for each audio band, [0,1]. 0.0 represents an empty room for that frequency and 1.0 is the maximum T60 reduction for that band. Returns Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure |
int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.SetSharedReverbWetLevel ( float linearLevel ) |
Set the level of the global reverb. Sets the linear gain applied to the output of the reverberation. Lower values effectively make all objects drier. Parameters linearLevel Linear gain to be applied to the output of the reverberator. In the range of [0,+Inf) Returns ovrResult indicating success (0) or failure (1) |
int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.SetEnabled ( int feature, bool enabled ) |
Enable/disable options in the audio context. Parameters feature Meta::XR::Audio::EnableFlag specifying which feature to enable/disable. enabledIf true, enable the specified feature. If false, disable the specified feature. Returns Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure See Also: |
int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.SetEnabled ( EnableFlag feature, bool enabled ) |
No description available.
int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.SetDynamicRoomRaysPerSecond ( int RaysPerSecond ) |
Set the number of dynamic rays cast per second. More rays mean more accurate and responsive modelling but at the expense of increased CPU usage. Parameters RaysPerSecond The number of rays cast per second. [0,8192], Default = 256 Returns Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure See Also: See Also: See Also: |
int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.SetDynamicRoomInterpSpeed ( float InterpSpeed ) |
Set the interpolation speed of the dynamic room model. Higher values will cause the reverb to update more quickly but less smoothly. Parameters InterpSpeed The speed with which to interpolate between the old and new dynamic room model. [0, 1.0], Default = 0.9 Returns Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. |
int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.SetDynamicRoomMaxWallDistance ( float MaxWallDistance ) |
Set the maximum distance a cast ray can travel in a dynamic simulation. Larger values allows one to simulate larger rooms but unnecessarily increases CPU usage for smaller rooms. Parameters MaxWallDistance Max distance, in meters, a project ray can travel before being ignored. [0, 250], Default = 50 Returns Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. See Also: See Also: See Also: |
int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.SetDynamicRoomRaysRayCacheSize ( int RayCacheSize ) |
Set the size of the cache that holds the history of cast rays. A larger value will mean reverb parameters are calculated using more rays/samples (and thus the simulation will be more stable) at the expense of making the reverb less responsive to geometry changes and increasing runtime memory usage. Parameters RayCacheSize The number of rays held in the cache. [64,8192], Default = 512 Returns Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. See Also: See Also: See Also: |
int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.GetRoomDimensions ( float [] roomDimensions, float [] reflectionsCoefs, out Vector3 position ) |
Get the current dimensions, reflection coefficients and position of the shoebox room. Note, it's easiest to the MetaXRAudioRoomAcousticProperties MonoBehavior instead of calling this function directly. Parameters roomDimensions The dimensions of the shoebox room in meters. [Width, Height, Depth] reflectionsCoefsThe reflection coefficients of the shoebox room. [Left, Right, Up, Down, Front Back], each being 4-vector of frequency-dependent reflection coefficients from lowest to highest frequency positionThe position of the shoebox room in Unity world space coordinates. [X,Y,Z] Returns Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. See Also: |
int MetaXRAudioNativeInterface.FMODPluginInterface.GetRaycastHits ( Vector3 [] points, Vector3 [] normals, int length ) |
Retrieves the cache of ray cast hits that are being used to estimate the room. This is useful for debugging/visualization. Parameters points Array of 3D positions where rays were found to intersect scene geoemtry. The length of this array will be equal to the size of the cache. normalsArray of 3D normal vectors corresponding to the intersections listed in points lengthCorresponding length of the rays that originate at the listener and terminate at the intersections listed in points. Returns Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure See Also: |