UMRUKDestructibleMeshComponent Class
Extends UProceduralMeshComponent
Destructible mesh component. Creates mesh segments for the given geometry. The segments will be created async. In addition, its possible to define areas that are indestructible.
FOnMeshesGenerated OnMeshesGenerated[Get]
UMaterialInterface * GlobalMeshMaterial[Get]
Material to display on the global mesh
Area on the top of the mesh that should be indestructible. The area is given in centimeters 1.0 == 1 cm. -1.0 means no reserved area.
double ReservedBottom[Get]
Area on the bottom of the mesh that should be indestructible. The area is given in centimeters 1.0 == 1 cm -1.0 means no reserved area.
UMRUKDestructibleMeshComponent ( const FObjectInitializer & ObjectInitializer )
void SegmentMesh ( const TArray< FVector > & MeshPositions,
const TArray< uint32 > & MeshIndices,
const TArray< FVector > & SegmentationPoints )
Segment the given geometry into smaller chunks. For each chunk a procedural mesh component will be spawned and attached to the owning actor.
ParametersMeshPositionsPositions of the mesh to segment
MeshIndicesIndices of the mesh to segment
SegmentationPointsPoints to use to determine the segments.
virtual void BeginPlay ( )
virtual void TickComponent ( float DeltaTime,
ELevelTick TickType,
FActorComponentTickFunction * ThisTickFunction )