Various debugging utilities for the scene. This component can for example attached to the player pawn. The various methods can then be called on input from the pawn.
TSubclassOf< AActor > GizmoActorClass[Get]
The gizmo to show when visualizing an anchor.
TSubclassOf< AActor > TextActorClass[Get]
The text to show when visualizing an anchor.
FVector GizmoScale[Get]
The scale that should be applied to the gizmo before displaying it.
FVector TextScale[Get]
The scale that should be applied to the text before displaying it.
Member Functions
void ShowAnchorAtRayHit
( const FVector & Origin,
const FVector & Direction )
Shoot a ray and display the anchors coordinate system and labels that was hit by the ray if any. Call HideAnchor() to get rid of the displayed anchor.
The ray origin.
The ray direction.
void HideAnchor ( )
Hide the current anchor. This method needs only to be called to hide the anchor that was displayed by ShowAnchorAtRayHit().
void ShowAnchorSpaceAtRayHit
( const FVector & Origin,
const FVector & Direction )
Shoot a ray and display the anchors space that was hit by the ray if any. Call HideAnchorSpace() to get rid of the displayed anchor space.
The ray origin.
The ray direction.
void HideAnchorSpace ( )
Hide the current anchor space actor. This method needs only to be called to hide the anchor space that was displayed by ShowAnchorAtRayHit().