UMRUKBlobShadowComponent Class
Extends UStaticMeshComponent
Adds a blob shadow below the actor. The blob shadow will position and resize itself automatically during runtime.
Controls the look of the blob shadow corners (0 = squared corners, 1 = rounded corners).
Controls the look of the blob shadow alpha (0 = fully opaque, 1 = gradient from the center).
Controls the curve of the blob shadow alpha gradient (only available if Gradient > 0).
Increase or decrease the calculated blob shadow size by a fixed amount.
float MaxVerticalDistance[Get]
Maximum distance the actor can be away from the ground until the blob shadow is not shown anymore.
Distance from the ground until the blob shadow starts to fade.
UMaterialInstanceDynamic * DynMaterial[Get]
void UpdatePlaneSizeAndPosition ( )
Only callable in the editor from the scene, will update the blob shadow size, position and material parameters to give a preview how the blob shadow would look like.
UMRUKBlobShadowComponent ( )
void TickComponent ( float DeltaTime,
enum ELevelTick TickType,
FActorComponentTickFunction * ThisTickFunction )
void ComputeOwner2DBounds ( FVector & Origin,
FVector2D & Extent,
double & Yaw )