static FHandMovementFilterDelegate | HandMovementFilter[Get] |
static EOculusXRFinger | ConvertBoneToFinger ( const EOculusXRBone Bone ) |
static bool | GetHandSkeletalMesh ( USkeletalMesh * HandSkeletalMesh, EOculusXRHandType SkeletonType, EOculusXRHandType MeshType, const float WorldToMeters ) Called to modify Hand position and orientation whenever it is queried. |
static TArray< FOculusXRCapsuleCollider > | InitializeHandPhysics ( EOculusXRHandType SkeletonType, USkinnedMeshComponent * HandComponent, const float WorldToMeters ) |
static FQuat | GetBoneRotation ( const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const EOculusXRBone BoneId, const int32 ControllerIndex ) |
static FTransform | |
static bool | |
static EOculusXRTrackingConfidence | |
static EOculusXRTrackingConfidence | GetFingerTrackingConfidence ( const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const EOculusXRFinger Finger, const int32 ControllerIndex ) |
static float | |
static EOculusXRHandType | GetDominantHand ( const int32 ControllerIndex ) |
static bool | |
static bool | |
static FString | GetBoneName ( EOculusXRBone BoneId ) |
static void | PlayCurveHapticEffect ( class UHapticFeedbackEffect_Curve * HapticEffect, EControllerHand Hand, EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation Location, float Scale, bool bLoop ) |
static void | PlayBufferHapticEffect ( class UHapticFeedbackEffect_Buffer * HapticEffect, EControllerHand Hand, EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation Location, float Scale, bool bLoop ) |
static void | PlayAmplitudeEnvelopeHapticEffect ( class UHapticFeedbackEffect_Buffer * HapticEffect, EControllerHand Hand ) |
static void | PlaySoundWaveHapticEffect ( class UHapticFeedbackEffect_SoundWave * HapticEffect, EControllerHand Hand, bool bAppend, float Scale, bool bLoop ) |
static void | |
static void | SetHapticsByValue ( const float Frequency, const float Amplitude, EControllerHand Hand, EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation Location ) |
static float | GetControllerSampleRateHz ( EControllerHand Hand ) |
static int | GetMaxHapticDuration ( EControllerHand Hand ) |
static void | |
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_FourParams ( FHandMovementFilterDelegate , EControllerHand , FVector * , FRotator * , bool * ) |
FHandMovementFilterDelegate UOculusXRInputFunctionLibrary::HandMovementFilter |
No description available.
static EOculusXRFinger UOculusXRInputFunctionLibrary::ConvertBoneToFinger ( const EOculusXRBone Bone ) |
No description available.
static bool UOculusXRInputFunctionLibrary::GetHandSkeletalMesh ( USkeletalMesh * HandSkeletalMesh, EOculusXRHandType SkeletonType, EOculusXRHandType MeshType, const float WorldToMeters ) |
Called to modify Hand position and orientation whenever it is queried. Creates a new runtime hand skeletal mesh. Parameters HandSkeletalMesh (out) Skeletal Mesh object that will be used for the runtime hand mesh SkeletonType(in) The skeleton type that will be used for generating the hand bones MeshType(in) The mesh type that will be used for generating the hand mesh WorldTometers(in) Optional change to the world to meters conversion value |
static TArray< FOculusXRCapsuleCollider > UOculusXRInputFunctionLibrary::InitializeHandPhysics ( EOculusXRHandType SkeletonType, USkinnedMeshComponent * HandComponent, const float WorldToMeters ) |
Initializes physics capsules for collision and physics on the runtime mesh Parameters SkeletonType (in) The skeleton type that will be used to generated the capsules HandComponent(in) The skinned mesh component that the capsules will be attached to WorldTometers(in) Optional change to the world to meters conversion value |
static FQuat UOculusXRInputFunctionLibrary::GetBoneRotation ( const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const EOculusXRBone BoneId, const int32 ControllerIndex ) |
Get the rotation of a specific bone Parameters DeviceHand (in) The hand to get the rotations from BoneId(in) The specific bone to get the rotation from ControllerIndex(in) Optional different controller index |
static FTransform UOculusXRInputFunctionLibrary::GetPointerPose ( const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const int32 ControllerIndex ) |
Get the pointer pose Parameters DeviceHand (in) The hand to get the pointer pose from ControllerIndex(in) Optional different controller index |
static bool UOculusXRInputFunctionLibrary::IsPointerPoseValid ( const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const int32 ControllerIndex ) |
Check if the pointer pose is a valid pose Parameters DeviceHand (in) The hand to get the pointer status from ControllerIndex(in) Optional different controller index |
static EOculusXRTrackingConfidence UOculusXRInputFunctionLibrary::GetTrackingConfidence ( const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const int32 ControllerIndex ) |
Get the tracking confidence of the hand Parameters DeviceHand (in) The hand to get tracking confidence of ControllerIndex(in) Optional different controller index |
static EOculusXRTrackingConfidence UOculusXRInputFunctionLibrary::GetFingerTrackingConfidence ( const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const EOculusXRFinger Finger, const int32 ControllerIndex ) |
Get the tracking confidence of a finger Parameters DeviceHand (in) The hand to get tracking confidence of ControllerIndex(in) Optional different controller index Finger(in) The finger to get tracking confidence of |