Members-only worlds governance best practices in Meta Horizon worlds
Members-only worlds are membership-based communities where like-minded people can come together and enjoy a shared experience. In order to join a members-only world, you must be sent an invite by a member of the world, or you must request to join a world and have your request approved by a creator or admin.
As a creator or admin of a members-only world, you have a responsibility to ensure the world is a safe and inclusive space for all members. For a creator, this includes setting rules, and for both creators and admins, enforcing rules and
handling reports in a timely and effective manner. In this article, we’ll discuss some best practices for governance in members-only worlds, and provide a few scenarios to help you understand how to handle different situations that may arise.
Here are some best practices to follow:
- Set clear rules and guidelines: As a creator, establish clear rules and guidelines that align with your world’s purpose and values.
- Check in: When a creator or admins are not present, monitor reports and notifications to be aware of any inappropriate behavior. Regularly review member reports and take necessary action in accordance with the world’s rules and guidelines.
- Assign trusted admins: To help ensure members-only worlds are properly moderated, creators can invite trusted members to become an admin. Set appropriate moderation expectations with selected admins, reviewing and updating who holds this role, as needed.
- Address issues promptly:Both creators and admins should take action immediately when issues arise. Address user reports in a timely manner, and take appropriate moderation actions as needed. Respond to members’ questions and concerns promptly and respectfully.
- Educate members: Engage with the community and educate members on the world’s rules and guidelines, and encourage members to report any behavior that violates them. Demonstrate the expected behavior in the world and moderate in real-time if you see harmful or inappropriate behavior.
Here are some scenarios to help you understand how to apply these best practices:
Scenario 1: A member is repeatedly using inappropriate language, violating the world rules.
What to do: Take appropriate moderation actions, such as starting with a verbal warning and escalating to temporarily muting and temporarily or permanently removing the member from the world. Follow up with the member to ensure they understand why their behavior was not acceptable and how they can comply with the rules moving forward.
Scenario 2: A member is violating the world’s rules by repeatedly yelling, shouting, or being disruptive when others are speaking.
What to do: Creators and admins should take appropriate moderation actions such as temporarily muting or revoking access for the member. Use this as an opportunity to educate all members about the world’s rules regarding no yelling, shouting, or being disruptive and why it is not acceptable.
Scenario 3: Members-only worlds are only for those 18+ and you suspect a user lied about their age and is below the age requirement.
What to do: Any member can
file an underage report, which will be sent directly to Meta to investigate and take appropriate action based on our review. We also encourage creators and admins to remove members who they believe should not be in the experience.
Scenario 4: A member is being bullied by another member.
What to do: This violate’s Meta’s
Code of Conduct for Virtual Experiences (CCVE), so you should take immediate action to address the situation, such as starting with a verbal warning and escalating to temporarily muting and temporarily or permanently removing the perpetrator. It’s important to take appropriate action against the perpetrator and ensure that they understand why their behavior was not acceptable.